Be SpectACTive! is organizing the fourth edition of the European Spectactors Day, a special day dedicated to spectators across Europe. The date is November 17th, in the venues of the cultural organizations taking part in the event (Be SpectACTive partners and friends).
Save the date and join us!

How does it work?
European Spectators Day consists in local meetings among spectators and curators to discuss about theatre and dance. It is an opportunity for audiences to be aware of the creative impact they may have on the artistic process. The event will take place in the venues of the organizations involved, at different times due to lag reasons: it will start at 5pm in UK, at 6pm in Central Europe and at 7pm in Eastern Europe, in order to have a unique, coordinated, European event. It can be followed on the dedicated facebook group, open to people who want to take part in the event, sharing contents and opinions about their experiences as spectators: European Spectators Day

 “The European Spectators Day is a great occasion to connect people, citizens, spectators sharing experiences, memories and thoughts about the performing arts – said Giuliana Ciancio and Luca Ricci, creators and curators of Be SpectACTive! – 
We really love the idea of on-line and off-line interconnection of local areas having fun.”

Participants to the event: CapoTrave/Kilowatt Festival – Sansepolcro (IT), Bakelit Multi Art Center Budapest (HU), Domino – Zagreb (HR), LIFT – London (UK), Tanec Praha – Prague (CZ), Teatrul National Radu Stanca – Sibiu (RO), York Theatre Royal – York (UK)…

Topics to discuss:

Question 1
Performing Arts & me
If you could commission an art work, what kind of work (dance/theatre) would you choose? Why? What theme would you suggest to the artist/artists?

Question 2
2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage:
What is your favorite cultural site (or artwork or artist) in your city?
Why? What does it represent for you? If you had visitors to your town, where would you take them?

Pročitajte i ovo:
Iz štampe, ožujak 2109: Gdje je nestao Spectator – Heroj ulice?

Question 3
Being an European Citizen
What is the most important cultural experience that you had in another European city?
Feelings related:
Shared experience with:

The colour of Performing Arts is…